- »La Nube« Mexico City, 2023
- Group Exhibition »End of History?« Stockholm, 2022
- Group Exhibition »Almond shaped eyes for circles and dots • Circles for eyes and almond shaped dots • Dots and almonds for circles in eyes« Mexico City, 2022
- »EIN AUGE, OFFEN« Berlin, 2017
- Group Exhibition »GATHERED FATES curated by Ignasi Aballí« Berlin, 2015
- Group Exhibition »DRAWN« Berlin, 2014
- Group Exhibition »Summer show« Berlin, 2012
- »Nonetheless« Berlin, 2011
- Group Exhibition »SUMMER SHOW« Berlin, 2009
- »Landschaftsabfälle« Berlin, 2008
- »Kein Warum« Berlin, 2005
- Group Exhibition »Out Of Place« Berlin, 2004
- »Nachtruhe« Berlin, 2002
- »Through Melancholia and Charm« Berlin, 2000
- »Ordnung« Stockholm, 1997
- »Rampen« Stockholm, 1994
- Group Exhibition »Mnemosyne 1273« Stockholm, 1992
- Group Exhibition »Art against AIDS« Stockholm, 1991
- »Mirosław Bałka« Stockholm, 1990
Anda Rottenberg: Miroslaw Balka. Pursuing Meaning, Fleeing Meaning, , Pirelli Hangar Bicocca, Milan 2017
Simone Menegoi: Social Body. The Individual and the Collectivity in the Work of Mirosław Bałka, Pirelli Hangar Bicocca, Milan 2017
Alegra Pesati: All that Remains: the Drawings of Mirosław Bałka, Muzeum Sztuki, Łódź 2017 2017
Julian Heynen: That's How it Is, in: Mirosław Bałka. How it is, Tate Publishing, 2009
Mirosław Bałka in conversation with Rafał Jakubowicz, Documenta Magazine, 2007
Peter Schjeldahl: Polish Haiku, The Reinassance Society, 1992
Mirosław Bałka »Through Melancholia and Charm«
Berlin, October 01, 2000

Mirosław Bałka, 210 x 100 x 13, 1995, steel, soap, dimensions same as title in centimeters