- »All is broken in the night« Berlin, 2024
- »Fear of Fear« Mexico City, 2023
- Group Exhibition »To Light, Shadow and Dust« Berlin, 2022
- »How fast shall we sing« Stockholm, 2022
- »A House Is A House« Berlin, 2019
- »Two-Thirds Pleasure« Stockholm, 2018
- cv-fo-february-2025_ongoing.pdf
Karolina Modig: Frida Orupabo – Den motvilliga konstnären, Dagens Nyheter, August 2024
Fi Churchman: Frida Orupabo, ArtReview, May 2023
Legacy Russell: here I am: The Internet of Frida Orupabo. In: Catalogue for "How did you feel when you come out of the wilderness" at Konsthall Trondheim, Sternberg Press, 2021
Arthur Jafa: Some Very Preliminary Thoughts on the Work of Frida Orupabo, Missylanyus and Ming Smith. In: Arthur Jafa. A Series of utterly improbable, yet extraordinary renditions. Moderna Museet, Stockholm. 2019
Johanne Nordby Wernø: Frida Orupabo and Arthur Jafa, Artforum, Critic's Pick, April 2019
Michael Hierholzer: Das Prinzip Collage, FAZ, Sept 28, 2019
CHART De-centred 2020: A Conversation Between Zoé Whitley and Frida Orupabo
Frida Sandström: Frida Orupabo – Ingen ursprunglig kropp, Kunstkritikk, August 2018
Portia Malatjiemay: Openings: Frida Orupabo, Artforum, May 2023
Cahiers d'Art: Arthur Jafa: 43rd Year, Conversation between Arthur Jafa and Frida Orupabo, 2018
Jareh Das: New Readings, New Meanings: Frida Orupabo interviewed by Jareh Das, Bomb Magazine, July 2020

Untitled, 2018, collage with paper pins mounted on aluminium, 120 x 79.5 cm
Frida Orupabo »Two-Thirds Pleasure«
Stockholm, August 23, 2018 - October 06, 2018
Frida Orupabo explores themes of race, gender, sexuality, violence, the gaze, post-colonialism and identity working in media that in their nature are fragmented and multifarious. Employing image platforms including Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Tumblr as both source and tool Orupabo engages in the simultaneously monolithic and splintered abundance of images that define race and gender. In their wiki-generated content and labile fluidity these platforms both reinforce and disrupt established norms
Although self-taught and working otherwise as a social worker in Oslo, Orupabo has for many years created digital collages which she cuts and manipulates, using photographs from personal archives and found images. This combination of sources connects her personal history to a collective story, the private and political, in a matrix of appropriated images. More recently she has started to produce large scale figurative collages in paper, layer upon layer, like fabric, joined with split pins in a way that recalls paper dolls.
In 2013 Orupabo started a curated stream of images on her Instagram feed. As a platform Instagram acts as an ever-evolving collage. The video loops gain intensity in their repetition and the feed, with it’s flowing stream of accumulated images, acts as a site for hoarding.
Born to a Norwegian mother and Nigerian father, Orupabo often uses colonial photographs to investigate the way black women are portrayed as hyper-sexualized, deviant and a subject of curiosity and study. She explores how these loaded images address race and gender relations; pain, powerlessness, abuse, and violence, but also strength, power and resistance. She engages in the ambivalence and possible interpretations of this historic material and through a process of fragmentation and re-articulation her work subverts objectification of these figures.
In 2016 Orupabo connected with the American multimedia artist Arthur Jafa via Instagram. This contact developed into an important dialog and a collaborative spirit emerged which led to Jafa's inclusion of Orupabo's collages in his exhibition A Series of Utterly Improbable, Yet Extraordinary Renditions at the Serpentine Gallery, London (2017) followed by the ongoing exhibition at the Julia Stoschek Collection, Berlin. Subsequently their cooperation branched out and Jafa invited Orupabo as creative consultant for Jay Z's music video 4:44 and Jen Nkiru’s cinematic short Rebirth is Necessary.

Installation view

Untitled, 2018, collage with paper pins mounted on aluminium, 67 x 65.7 cm

Untitled, 2018, collage with paper pins mounted on aluminium, 67 x 65.7 cm

Installation view

Untitled, 2018, digital C-print, 89 x 105 cm

Untitled, 2018, digital C-print, 89 x 105 cm

Installation view

Untitled, 2018, collage with paper pins mounted on aluminium, 65.7 x 111 cm

Untitled, 2018, collage with paper pins mounted on aluminium, 65.7 x 111 cm

Untitled, 2018, collage with paper pins mounted on aluminium, 2 parts: 123.5 x 80 cm

Untitled, 2018, collage with paper pins mounted on aluminium, 2 parts: 123.5 x 80 cm

Installation view

Untitled, 2018, collage with paper pins mounted on aluminium, 90.5 x 56.9 cm

Untitled, 2018, collage with paper pins mounted on aluminium, 90.5 x 56.9 cm

Installation view

Untitled, 2018, multimedia on 9 Lenovo tablets, unfixed duration

Untitled, 2018, multimedia on 9 Lenovo tablets, unfixed duration

Installation view

Untitled, 2018, collage with paper pins mounted on aluminium, 139.7 x 116.8 cm

Untitled, 2018, collage with paper pins mounted on aluminium, 139.7 x 116.8 cm

Untitled, 2018, collage with paper pins mounted on aluminium, 121 x 45.6 cm

Untitled, 2018, collage with paper pins mounted on aluminium, 121 x 45.6 cm

Installation view

Untitled, 2018, digital C-print, 6 parts: 116 x 174 cm

Untitled, 2018, digital C-print, 6 parts: 116 x 174 cm

Untitled, 2018, digital C-print, 3 parts: 58 x 174 cm

Untitled, 2018, digital C-print, 3 parts: 58 x 174 cm