Ann Edholm, Terror I, 2014, oil on canvas, 240 x 240 cm
Gerard Byrne, Elena Damiani, Ann Edholm, Paul Fägerskiöld, Hreinn Friðfinnsson, Eva Löfdahl ,
José Vera Matos
»After Finitude«
Mexico City, September 21, 2018 - November 03, 2018
Galerie Nordenhake, based in Stockholm and Berlin, opens a new space in Mexico City with the exhibition After Finitude curated by Peruvian artist Elena Damiani, strengthening its links with the cultural networks of the Americas.
The project draws from the notion of contingency in natural laws, which can change (or not) at any time without any apparent reason. It refers to the laws of nature that are infinite, incalculable and impossible to encompass as a way to reflect on the limits of human existence, its stability and permanence in time. Thus, the project resonates with author Quentin Meillassoux's questions regarding human knowledge of the world, it’s natural, and invariant laws, within the finitude of our knowledge and our existence.
After finitude reflects on how the infinite and infinite probabilities do not present an obstacle to calculate specific mundane events. We cannot position ourselves outside of nature and calculate a possible number of laws to determine the likelihood that any of these will change. And although we can speak of probability when we examine everyday events, we cannot refer to the probable and the improbable when we describe nature as a whole that contains us.
Elena Damiani

Ann Edholm, Terror I, 2014, oil on canvas, 240 x 240 cm

Eva Löfdahl, Inclined, 2018, graphite and binder on paper and magnetic spheres. 26 parts, 32 x 25 each.

Eva Löfdahl, Inclined, 2018, Detail

Ann Edholm, Terror I, 2014, oil on canvas. Detail

Elena Damiani, 2018, collage, 28 x 18 cm

Eva Löfdahl, 3D 'Pi', 2009, cast, 50.8 x 71.1 x 71.1 cm

Installation view

Installation view

Gerard Byrne, A Fibonacci progression in 17 Stages, commenced in 2001 and completed in 2011, 17 framed selenium-toned silver gelatin prints, 22 x 27 cm

Hreinn Fridfinnsson, two Steps Up, 2014, gold leaf, glass (3 shelves), 18 x 60 cm

Elena Damiani, Rude Rocks N9, detail

Elena Damiani, Rude Rocks N9, 2018, black marble from Monterrey and bronze. 170 x 50 x 145 cm

Elena Damiani, Rude Rocks N9, detail

Elena Damiani, Dust tail, 2016, digital print on silk chiffon, steel, overall dimensions installed, ca. 160 x 220 x 81 cm

Elena Damiani, Dust tail, 2016, detail

Hreinn Friðfinnsson, After Finitude, 2018, 1 digital video file, Duration: 1:07 min

Installation view

José Vera Matos, Reading Path, 2018, detail

José Vera Matos, Amauta Fragmentos, 2018, stylus and ink on cotton paper, 30 x 42 cm

Paul Fagerskiöld, Untitled, 2016, acrylic on canvas with walnut frame, 241 x 307 cm

Paul Fagerskiöld, Untitled, detail

Elena Damiani, 2018, collage, 28 x 18 cm