Photographic documentation of the performance La domesticación de los reinos (plantae) (The Domestication of the Kingdoms [Plantae]), 2018. Cortesía de Arrogante albino.
Arrogante Albino »Seis motivos«
Mexico City, March 31, 2023 - April 01, 2023
A group of bodies build the space: they transform it into a house, an insane asylum, a nudist beach, a spiritual retreat, an independent film... The six bodies form a mass, a family, a collection of images, a congregation of sweat and questions that are answered by the force of muscles and sinews. An altered state that develops over time, a transforming experience between performer and act. A method to dissociate the architecture and the user.
Six motives is an act and its end; lateness delayed by the will to be here... now; taking into account something that always eludes us…
Arrogante albino is an artists laboratory that exists from the need to carry out projects outside the academic margins and that can move between different formats, disciplines and artistic media. Since 2016 they have developed theater plays, actions for specific spaces and commissioned projects for institutions, festivals and cultural events. Arrogante albino’s work is treated as a media collage where the body is the main focus and research topic. Their residencies and artistic exchanges include La Nau Ivanow (ES), Estudio Teore- ma, the FUNES contemporary art archive, and Casa Inverso (Guadalajara, MX). Their work have been exhibited in scenic spaces such as: LARVA, Foro de Arte y Cultura (MX) and Sala Atrium (ES); In gallery spaces, SCAD Museum of Art (USA), Zsona MACO, Guadalajara90210, MUSA and ExConvento del Carmen (MX). They have collaborated with national and international artists such as Ioanna Popovici (ROU), Fundación Agrupación Colectiva (ES), MoE & Metter Rasmus- sen (NOR), Lilia Hernandéz, ROSAS, Carlos Pesina and Fernando Capacete (MX).
The collective was founded by artist Héctor Jímenez Castillo (Veracruz, Mexico, 1992, lives and works in Guadalajara, Mexico) as well as a varying group of artists.

Photographic documentation of the performance De cómo alejar la culpa de tu casa (How to Keep Guilt Away from Your House), 2018.

Photographic documentation of the performance De cómo alejar la culpa de tu casa (How to Keep Guilt Away from Your House), 2018.

Photographic documentation of the performance De cómo alejar la culpa de tu casa (How to Keep Guilt Away from Your House), 2018.

Photographic documentation of the performance CUATRO ACTOS (FOUR ACTS), 2019.

Photographic documentation of the performance CUATRO ACTOS (FOUR ACTS), 2019. Cortesía de Arrogante albino.