»Sirous Namazi«

Stockholm, April 28, 2004 - June 05, 2004

Sirous Namazi is born in 1970 and educated at the Malmö Art Academy. He is born in the town of Kerman, Iran, but came to Sweden already as 13 years old.

His dual nationality plays a certain role in his works, and is to some extent reflected in his interest in questions of identity, origins, communication, and space. His works are characterised by a multitude of expressions and he moves, seemingly without effort, between different genres.

Namazi's aesthetics revolves around formal, painterly and minimalist problems-and an emphasis is equally placed upon the process behind a work, as much as the final result.

One of the works present at the show has the title Patterns of Failure and is the collective name of a series of 60 objects in porcelain. The pieces consist of broken second-hand porcelain objects glued together in order to form fancifull-although brittle-columns. The title leads its origins to a website dedicated to case studies over collapsed buildings.

Another work at the exhibition is created by a large number of pixels. The motif-a scrap yard-has been 'abstracted' and dissolved into its components. The work is a part of an ongoing investigation of painting, in which colour and form defer and transform our view of the order of being.

Sirous Namazi has earlier been presented in 2003 at Moderna Museet in Stockholm as part of the exhibition series "Udda veckor" ('Odd Weeks'), and at Färgfabriken, Stockholm, in relation to the Ljunggren Art Award. He will also participate in the exhibition "Momentum" in Moss, Norway, later this year.